Growing older can bring new health concerns, loss of mobility, body and skin changes, and fatique. Optimal aging is not something that looks the same for everyone, but there are ways you can ensure that you keep your body healthy during your older adult years. Aging is a beautiful process, but as our bodies deteriorate, it can be difficult to complete daily tasks or exercise. This blog will share some of our top tips for optimal aging by combining functional and traditional methods.
1- Eating A Balanced Diet
The best way to ensure optimal aging is to get enough nutrients through the food you eat. Fiber, protein, minerals, and vitamins are obtained by eating a balanced diet of all the food groups. Especially as we age, getting more of certain vitamins can help you avoid fatigue, illness, and certain health conditions.
Older adults should focus on getting lean proteins, whole grains, and vegetables while limiting processed foods and excess sugar.
2- Attend Regular Medical Exams
Having regular medical exams and checkups will help you stay healthy and remain on top of potential concerns. Catching illness or other medical issues quickly will help you find the right treatment before the issue progresses.
One common issue with aging, especially for women, is thyroid malfunction. Imbalances in your thyroid can cause issues like fatigue, weight gain, hair loss, and an increase in anxiety.
Regeneration Health offers thyroid treatment that focuses on treating multiple types of hormones that are produced in the thyroid. Some medical doctors will only test for the thyroid-stimulating hormone, which often comes back normal while you are experiencing symptoms. We do a full health panel to show what hormones could be out of balance.
Additionally, regular medical exams can help you manage weight, set attainable goals, and manage non-threatening symptoms.
3- Treat Hormone Imbalances

Both men and women experience hormone imbalances that can cause health issues. Imbalances can block your body’s natural communication making your body age faster or feel more fatigued.
Common symptoms of hormone imbalances include:
- Anxiety and depression
- Unpredictable menstrual cycles
- Insomnia
- Weight gain
- Erectile dysfunction
- Low libido
Hormone imbalances also impact weight loss and can cause major weight fluctuations. Progesterone, testosterone, thyroid hormones, and stress hormones all play a role in body weight. Hormones often affect metabolism which can affect your appetite and cause binge eating. Seeking hormone replacement therapy can help older adults maintain a healthy weight.
4- Continue Wearing Sun Protection
Protecting your skin from environmental factors helps prevent signs of aging. Wearing sunscreen will lower the risk of skin cancer and skin discoloration even into your older years. It is crucial to wear sun protection daily, even on cloudy or stormy days, if you want to prevent premature aging. The effects of sun damage can last for years when you leave your skin exposed to the elements.
As we age, our skin loses elasticity and firmness. Wearing sun protection and staying hydrated will help your skin hold onto that elasticity for longer. It is also important to refrain from sunbathing or tanning beds as these activities can speed up the aging process.
5- Find Fulfilling Hobbies And Activities
Finding activities that you enjoy will not only help you stay physically fit, but they can make your life more fulfilling in your older age. As we age, it may be hard to participate in certain activities due to a loss of mobility and flexibility. Finding a workout routine, community group, or book genre you enjoy will give you something to do without feeling incompetent.
Hobbies and activities for older adults can also limit mental health issues like depression. Working to find something you love to do will help you unlock optimal aging by keeping your brain sharp and body active.
Achieve Optimal Aging With Functional Medicine

Our natural health clinic in Utah is dedicated to providing your with innovative solutions to different health concerns. Whether you want to age gracefully or are looking to combine functional medicine with other medical practices, Regeneration Health can help. We believe in taking control of your body and well-being and encourage patients to listen to their body’s signals.
With Regeneration Health, you can have peace of mind that we will treat the underlying condition, rather than just your symptoms. We want to help patients live longer and healthier lives. Contact us to learn more about what we can do to help you unlock optimal aging today!