Sex is a normal part of being human. Sex deepens relationships, can lead to families, and is one of the most natural ways to connect with one’s significant other. Sometimes sexual problems arise, though, leading to a lack of pleasure and intimacy. But how do you know when you should see a doctor for sexual problems?

Let’s Talk About Sexual Health
You’ll probably be able to tell if you’re sexually healthy. A sexually healthy person can typically perform with no frustrations with their body. They can orgasm normally, and aren’t bothered by their sex drive. If you’re sexually healthy, your sex life will be more satisfying, any sexual relationships you have will be improved, and you’ll probably feel healthier. However, there are sexual problems that can impact your sexual health.
How Do You Know You’re Having Sexual Problems?
If you’re dealing with sexual problems, you’re probably experiencing some frustration with your sex life. Maybe your sex drive isn’t what it used to be, and you don’t feel the desire to have sex, even if you wish you did. Maybe when you do have sex, you can’t orgasm. If you’re a woman, maybe sex hurts because of vaginal dryness or pain. If you’re a man, maybe you can’t get an erection. These are some of the sexual problems you can face. If any of these issues are affecting your sexual wellness, a doctor can help.
Doctors understand the sensitivity of sexual problems, and can work closely with you to get to the root of the problem. There are often underlying conditions that cause sexual problems, so, especially if you never struggled with them before, you should ask for help. The majority of sexual problems are treatable, so you needn’t worry about being frustrated forever.
Treatment Options
There are a number of treatment options available to you in order to treat your sexual problems. Some of these include: hormone replacement therapy, PRP Vaginal Rejuvenations, and Penile Enhancement Shot. Here’s what these treatments entail.
For Women:
Hormones affect many aspects of the body, and as we get older, our bodies produce less of them. If you have a female body, this means that as your hormone levels decrease, you’ll find yourself with less energy, a lowered metabolism, and sexual problems. Hormone Replacement Therapy is a treatment where hormone replacement pellets are injected under your skin. These pellets match the ones your body naturally produces, meaning that Hormone Replacement Therapy can help sexual problems by increasing your sex drive and sexual responsiveness.
Hormone Replacement Therapy does take three to six months before you start to notice results.
Women can also get PRP Vaginal Rejuvenations. Also called an orgasm shot, this helps treat multiple vaginal issues, including dryness and pain during sex. PRP Vaginal Rejuvenations generally boosts your sex drive, ability to orgasm, and decreases vaginal dryness. PRP Vaginal Rejuvenations typically gives results within the first week and can last anywhere from 12-18 months.
For Men:
Testosterone levels also dip as we get older, leading to low sex drive, erectile dysfunction, and other sexual problems, as well as other problems like hair loss. Testosterone Hormone Replacement Therapy is a treatment for this, similar to Hormone Replacement Therapy. This treatment involves testosterone injections and pellets, right into the bloodstream.
Men can get a Penile Enhancement Shot. This helps the blood flow to the penis through the use of platelet-rich-plasma. The Penile Enhancement Shot is injected into the numbed penis, and instantly starts working on cellular regeneration and repair. The Penile Enhancement Shot increases your sex-drive, your ability to orgasm, your stamina, and your erections. The Penile Enhancement Shot starts working immediately, but sexual activity is not recommended until at least 4 hours after the procedure.
Other methods of treatment for sexual problems include: vitamins, nutrition, low-intensity shockwave treatments, and more.

Are You Ready To Take Back Control Of Your Sex Life?
If you’re suffering from sexual problems, know that they can be helped! There’s no need to suffer pain, frustration, or dissatisfaction during sex due to treatable issues. If you wish you had more of a sex drive or that you didn’t have sexual problems, you can reach out for treatment, and regain control of your sex life.
Do You Need Help With Sexual Problems?
Here at Regeneration Health, we care about your ability to take control of your sex life. We offer a multidisciplinary approach to identify the root causes of your sexual problems. Let us help you improve your sex life! If you have any questions or would like to schedule an appointment, contact us at Regeneration Health today!
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